LoveLife: Not too much going on in this little part of my world (as usual). I did almost go interview with a video dating service last week :-P I know - silly! I did come to my senses and cancel the appointment though :-). To be honest, I'm still not entirely convinced it's something I shouldn't do - I don't seem to be meeting anybody new (except for that cute guy who helped move the rocker to it's new home Y - but haven't seen hide nor hair of him since that day :-P).
Work: Way too much going on in that part of my world! Making up for the lack of a love life, I think :-} Marketing is the big thing stealing all my time right now - so much so that I can't get to writing up a Marketing Plan! This is really difficult for me as I feel like, without the plan, we're just shooting in the dark. We are getting decent results with our current marketing effort, but I'm sure that if it had been subjected to full planning out from beginning to end, it would have been much smoother and a lot less work. And, yes, unfortunately - I am bringing work home these days (and eating lunch at my desk more often than not!).
Church: This part of my life is going really well! I was really honored when the other members of the team I volunteered for to organize a small event for our Sunday School asked me to take the leadership role. This is my first leadership postion with this church :-) It's small and it's temporary but I'm so grateful for the opportunity! In addition, our worship team practices are always a joy and the guys have started to incorporate prayer into our practice time (at the end). It's a real help to focus on the reason we're there playing around.
Game Night: Last night was fun! I was concerned at first because only one couple from the core group that typically shows up was going to be able to make it. As it turned out, I got to have them and two other couples for the evening :-) One of the couples brought their baby - he's such a blessing! Just a few days younger than my nephew . . . makes me miss my nephew :-( Anyway, we had Spaghetti (meat sauce, of course), salad, and garlic toast. Desert was Krispy Kreme donuts :-) We were going to have rootbeer floats too, but we drank all the rootbeer during dinner :-P We played Catch Phrase - it was fun.
Everything Else: Well, I got to the gym one morning last week :-( I'll try to do better this next week. My last razor died on me early last week so right now I've got little trees on my legs & underarms <
I am doing better on my Attitude Adjustment :-) I just keep asking myself "Am I being a courtous driver?" And sometimes I have to remind myself that it's none of my business why that guy (i.e. "dodo brain") sped up, pulled in front of me, then slowed down so that I had to hit my brakes! :-) Forgiveness is something I'm getting a lot of practice on in this little change I'm working through :-)
Well, I finally think that's all I "needed" to get said today :-) I know I still need to continue with the 1st Peter study . . . in time, in time . . .